Thank you to our donors!
Thank you to the following organizations for partnering with us in our work!
Agincourt Baptist Church, Alpha Laboratories Inc., Arthur Family Foundation, Baptist Women of Ontario & Quebec, Blythwood Road Baptist Church, Bridgeway Foundation, Dell Inc, Deloitte Canada, District Of Toronto Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Escarpment Films Inc, FCJ Refugee Centre, First Church of Christ Scientist, Freedom Church, Friends of Beacon Ministries, Giselle Foundation, Hallelujah Fellowship Baptist Church, Inniswood Baptist Church, Jon & Nancy Love Foundation, Kevin Burke Family Foundation, Kingsway Baptist Church, Malvern Christian Assembly, Matthew House Windsor, Melrose Baptist Community Church, Mississauga City Baptist Church, Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada, Newcomer Centre of Peel, North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Preyra Foundation, Realtors Care Foundation, Second Harvest Canada, Spring Garden Baptist Church, St Clement’s Church, TD Bank Group, Telus, The George Lunan Foundation, The Law Foundation of Ontario, The Meeting House Church Family, The Mitchell & Kathryn Baran Family Foundation, The Peoples Church Toronto, The Tippet Foundation, The Village, Thornhill Baptist Church, Toronto Chinese Baptist Church, Toronto North Christadelphians, United Way of Greater Toronto, Walmer Road Baptist Church, Windsor Bay Foundation, Woodbine Heights Baptist Church, Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, Youth & Philanthropy Initiative Canada.
And a special thanks to our individual donors and to our volunteer friends. We need you and we appreciate you! For privacy purpose, individual donors and volunteers are not listed.